Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Things I have learned this past year.

Regardless of whether I viewed the page 85 or 99 times myself even, my blog has reached 100 page views!

And I thought that it would be tough to get my readership built up!

Today I don't really have anything specific on my mind to write about, but I thought I might take a little time and share a few lessons I have learned, or re-learned in the past year.  The past 12 months have been a whirlwind of sorts to say the least, but a process which has taught me much about life.  If you think you know it all by 30, you are in for a surprise!  I am officially 40 years, two months and 3 days old now.  The biggest thing I learned in this past year, is that I still don't know squat.  I don't know squat about life, my friends, my career, and most of all, I don't know squat about myself!  So, here goes, in no particular order of importance or anything.

-My family is awesome and I regret deeply that I live so far away from them. 
-I still love hockey just as much as I did when i was in Pee Wee and before, even if I can't play all the time anymore.
-I am far more domestic than I ever thought possible.
-Some people lie, even when it doesn't really advantage them in any way to do so.
-Some people will truly give the shirts off their back to anyone in need at any time.
-People are generally good, and will forgive, except for those who lie for no reason, they are not to be trusted.
-There is nothing greater in all the world than to be looked upon with the adoring eyes of a child.
-There is a God.  He is as big as we will let Him be.
-Having nothing makes you appreciate the things that you should appreciate, even when you have everything.
-Money is nice to have, but it is also dangerous to have if you lack a clear direction and purpose in your life.
-Being employed in a real, genuine job is just frickin awesome!
-Hard work, either on the job or at play, makes me feel great about myself and helps me sleep at night.
-There is no better time of day to be awake that just before dawn.
-Pro athletes make FAR too much money.  Why? No one ever promised athletes that they didn't have to work after their careers ended.  (This will be a feature post in the near future, watch for it!)
-Painting is amazing food for the soul.
-Xbox 360 Kinect may be the single most amazing piece of home technology since the flush toilet.
-Life is the greatest gift we could ever receive.
-It is OK to admire men, but don't forget that even the men you admire are merely men.
-Having a small, 6 inch by 8 inch gadget that allows one to carry around 15000 books at once might even be more amazing that the Xbox 360.  
-Love is the salt of existence. 

Some of these truths I learned the easy way.  Some of them I learned the hard way.  Do you have anything you would like to add?  Have you had a realization or two you would like to share?  I dare someone to leave me my first comment!  I dare someone to share as I have!  Take a few moments during the week between Christmas and the week between New Year's to reflect on your past year.  Are you happy where you are?  Are you en route to happiness if you aren't?  I hope you answered yes to one of those questions.  If you didn't take more than a few moments and ask yourself why.


  1. Hi
    Enjoying this blog Glenn. Love to be able to share in your deepest thoughts. This helps me to feel as if there are not so many miles between us. It's true that we never know enough....that there is always room for discovery no matter how old we get. But, the one thing I know and if I didn't know anything else but this, it would be enough - God adores us just as we are and longs for relationship with us. And, that there is not one thing that we could ever do to make Him love us more than He does now. Knowing that makes everything else secondary.

    Now, my guess about your "gift" in your Christmas blog - is a bible. Am I right?

  2. No mom, but I can put a Bible in it if I so desire.
    Next Guess?

  3. ok, my next guess is a beautiful leather briefcase.

  4. you are not even close really. But this is fun! keep going!

  5. So then it must be a brand new car!

  6. Ok, so it's not a brand new car. Then it must be a sports bag!

  7. So, my final guess is an i pod or some other similar technological wonder!


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