Saturday, January 1, 2011

Every moment provides a do-over for the previous

OK, I cheated yesterday.  I used the lure of booze and sex to pull in a higher hit count for the day.  You were all part of a secret squirrel social science experiment.  My thinking was on track, but I admit, I thought my bogus title would have more of an effect on my hits than usual.  Here is a rundown on the page views for Blunder Years before yesterday's post:

December 24th: 3 veiws
December 25th: 45 veiws
December 26th: 46 veiws
December 27th: 102 veiws
December 28th: 95 veiws

Now, with the title I used yesterday, I admit I didn't give as much credit as I should have to the general public.  I actually thought promises of free beer and sex would entice my friends into tripling the hits on the blog.  I was expecting 300!  Well, while the hits did spike, I am impressed that my Facebook, twitter and LinkdIn friends aren't quite as degenerate as I thought.  Congratulations!  The blog had 168 page views.  So was it worth it to " jump the shark'?  Perhaps some of that extra readership will stick around and join the party on a regular basis.  There were several visitors to the blog who read more than yesterday's post while they were here.  So while my projections didn't come true, I hope that I have gained a few more loyal readers.  That, after all, is the goal; half a million followers or bust!  So, if you haven't signed up to follow this blog, please do.  Also, click on ad link or two.  I work hard writing this, and all I ask is if you like what I'm doing, if you are entertained, help pad my click through's!

So, now that yesterday's subject matter is closed, lets get going on today's:

Last night was TREMENDOUS.  My first Crown Roast.  I promised a picture of the finished product, so here goes:

I LOVE pork to begin with,  more than any other meat I think, and this just solidified it for me.  This was SO tender, so succulent, that I was entirely impressed.  My compliments to the cook!  The rest of the meal and the evening was just as lovely.  The hostess was gracious, elegant, and looked especially lovely.  The company was fun, the banter witty, and I can't think of a better way to ring in the new year!  Thanks so much!

My last meal of 2010 was truly  memorable.  It capped a memorable year indeed.

2010 was certainly an interesting year for me.  I probably learned more about myself in this calender year than in any other in my 40 years.  The process of discovery was not an easy one.  I had heard the analogy many times in the past that in order to make the surface smooth, you need to do a lot of sanding.  2010 was a sandpaper year.  I entered the year with the dark cloud of a soon-to-expire-employment contract hanging over my head.  The last few months of my junior hockey coaching career were sweet indeed as I had a group of young men who came together and fought through some pretty tremendous adversity, to play some of the best hockey I have ever had the pleasure of coaching.  The team rode a high into the playoffs, and soundly beat our round one opponent.  In round two, we faced our arch nemesis, and soundly whipped them as well.  This put us in the final against the league's offensive juggernaut, who we had beaten twice in a weekend series a few months prior.  They lost 4 games all year and we handed them 2 of those defeats in one weekend.  Well, the finals ended with us on the wrong end of a 6-4 score, but we outplayed them in every category, except for the one that counted.  It was a tremendous end to a tremendous season and career.  Bittersweet really, as now I had to move on and find a real, grown-up job.  It took me nine months of trial and error.  In those nine months, I experienced some of the most challenging times of my life.  I never hit the proverbial "rock bottom", but I was as close as I had ever been.  I believe in myself, and that never ceased for even a moment, but I made some crucial decisions and was too pig headed to admit that I had made a few huge mistakes.  Well, as difficult a trial as it was, I learned so very much about myself, and about people, and about life in the real world.  I can't help but be thankful.  I don't think I would ever want to re-live 2010, but I know it will go a long way toward my future prosperity in all facets of my life.

So today, as I look back on 2010, I see the intelligent design, and I am thankful.  I would like to think that all my rough edges have been worked away with the sandpaper that was 2010.  That would be assuming too much however.  I realize that I am a continuous work in progress, and there will be no end to that process for all my days. 

So, now I have the task of deciding upon my goals and ambitions for 2011.

My mom has Facebook.  Just about everyday she posts something inspirational for all her family and friends to read.  A few days ago, she summed up my entire "now".   I had been looking for a quote to dedicate to my new year, and had actually decided on one, but when I saw my mom's wall, I had a discovery moment. 
"No one can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending" (Unknown)
Simple, effective, powerful, and perfect for 2011.  No matter where I find myself at any time, this quote has the power to thrust me forward.  Even if things are going great, applying this quote can enhance even that.  Basically it means that we don't need New Year's to make a resolution. 
Every moment provides a do-over for the previous.   
If you are in a rut at work, if you have been putting off starting a new hobby, if you haven't been able to find the words to say to someone special in your life, this quote should empower you to pull yourself out of that rut, pick up that paintbrush, and say, "I love you."  Armed with this quote there is no excuse for every day not being better than the last.  Sure these are just words, but if you stamp them on your heart, and apply them to your inner most psyche, things will start going your way, and fast.

My resolution for 2011 is:  I resolve to make every day better than the last, for myself, my loved ones, my boss and co-workers, and basically for everyone I touch in the run of my day, everyday. 
Oh yeah, I also resolve to promote my blog shamelessly and by all means available until I reach my goal of half a million followers!  
Happy New Year everyone.  May God bless you with peace, happiness, joy and health.  Now click my ads!

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